
Showing posts from September, 2018
This took a lot of work but I'm happy with the result. Once I'm more experienced with photo editing and restoration I'll definitely come back to this picture and try to restore it in color. Hopefully by that point I'll be able to fix the details in a cleaner manner.
So far I'm having plenty of problems getting the background back together. I've tried finding a replacement door or cabinet but I can't seem to get them to fit in correctly. I found that using dodge and burn for detailing, especially for something small like the necklace on her neck, really helps give it a realistic feel.

restoration start

I haven't had to restore a photo this damaged before but I plan on fixing this accurately and sending a copy to my grandmother.

Form Painting Finished

I ended up deciding against the drop shadows and instead worked on cleaning up each form. This assignment turned out to be much easier than I thought it was going to be and was actually a bit relaxing.
The only issue I've been having with this assignment is getting the sphere to look correct. I'm thinking about adding a drop shadow to help make it look closer to the real thing.